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ke článku: Pět lezců zmizelo v lavině
ze dne 20.10.2014, autor článku: redakce

Komentář ze dne: 16.10.2014 20:34:27
Autor: Standa Mitáč (standa.mitac@email.cz)
Titulek: Soustrast rodinám
16. 10. 20:30 Přidávám informace od kamaráda Sonama Sherpy, který organizuje záchranu. Kluky jsme v září potkali tři dny chůze pod BC...

"The team members called me early morning on the 15th
to ask for evacuation from the dhaulagiri base

The team had gone there to climb the mountain.
There were 10 slovak and 3 nepali in the team.

A big avalanche had swept away all camp at
PM on the 14.10.2014

8 members could dig themselves out of the snow and were stranded.

2 slovak and three nepali were missing.

We organised a helicopter to evacuate them and at the same time sent 3 nepali climbers to assist in looking for the afore mentioned climbers.

After multiple shuttles were we able to bring 8 slovak climbers to pokhara as they were in danger of hypothermia and dehydration.

The search party had to call off the search as the weather started getting worse.

On the 15th we sent 1 helicopter and 6 people for search.

The search party found the bodies of 2 slovak climbers and the 3 nepali staff. The deceased are Mr Jan Matlak and Mr Vladimir sclocar.

We wanted to bring back the bodies to kathmandu but again were unable as the weather turned.

So tommorow we are trying in the morning to retrieve the bodies with helicopter shuttle to kathmandu."

Reakce na komentář
"Soustrast rodinám"

Jméno (přezdívka): 


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